Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chatting : Erected not Corrupted Business in BD...

Erected Business

Friend: You are running a very big cell phone company in Bangladesh. Though there are strikes, blockades, political instabilities, how is it possible friend?

XYZ_Org:  Hahaha!!  Bangladesh is a country of possibilities.  Everything is possible here if you know the tricks. On the other hand, business is very risky, nothing is possible here if you apply general rules.

Materials are cheap, labors are cheap, and everything is cheap here. You know that labor cost is lowest in the world. You can get many industrious, competent, skilled employees with a very low payment. They work hard, but take less.
You said right! Instabilities! Yes, huge instabilities. Laws are not stable here. If you steal, nobody can catch. You can make big money here. Haha..

Friend : How many employees do you have in your company?

XYZ_Org: Approximately 2000. But all are not directly my employees. I have some permanent, some contractual and some are outsourced employees.

Friend: Why is that? Contractual, outsourced!!
Are they foreigners? Don’t you need those employees always?

XYZ_Org: No, they all are Bangladeshi.  It’s my wish!
 They are working full time and almost permanently. However, I do not need to give them good salary and extra facilities.
More than 160 million people are living in Bangladesh. They do not need a high standard living.

Friend: What about foreigners? Don’t you have foreign employees? If I work for you in Bangladesh, shall I need to have a low standard living?

XYZ_Org: Sure I do have. You do not need to have a low-standard living. I have different salary structures for foreigners. Usually, white foreigners get 5 - 50 times higher salary than Bangladeshi employees.

Friend: Hmm. .. How can I imagine that my company is running by other companies' employees? Are they giving you high industry, good decisions?

If they do not perform well, why don’t you fire them and recruit some competent employees?

XYZOrg: Listen! You have to be very clever as you want to serve in Bangladesh.
They are performing well. I need them forever if I can pay low salary and extract high profit.
Simply, renew the contract for three to twelve months either by the same company or by another company.

You do not need to give them good salary. Don’t need to give them extra facilities like provident fund, gratuity, profit sharing, bonus etc. These give you extra money.

Friend: What about the laws of Bangladesh? BTRC, Labor –laws?

XYX_Org: Who cares? Nobody is bounded by laws. Even not the local and other multi-national companies are confined by laws.
My profit is $300 million to $500 million every day. If you pay good amount of money to legal bodies, they will hide everything. Nobody can catch.

Friend: $300 million to $500 million every day! What about the tax? How much do you need to pay?
XYZ_Org:  I already said to you, they can hide everything. I do not need to disclose my profit to locals. Even if the locals do understand my profit, they can’t proof it. I am that much clever.

Friend:  So, you are a big guy now. You do not need to pay government tax too. You can steal money as much as possible by depriving employees who are working for you and for your company. How interesting!! 

To be continued........................


1. http://news.priyo.com/story/2010/jul/25/govt-sues-%E2%80%98outsourcing-cos%E2%80%99-over-employee-rights-denial

2. http://www.supplymanagement.com/news/2015/burma-bangladesh-and-cambodia-have-worlds-lowest-labour-costs

3. https://openblogbd.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/grameenphone-management-employees-dispute-labour-rights-and-others/

Legal status of employment bonds 
5. http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/dec/03/un-human-rights-business-government-policies
   Whose job is it to protect human rights?

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