Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dilemma of third party & contractual Jobs


A recent sordid trend not only in Bangladesh but also in the whole world is employees  are being recruited  by contract (contractual basis) and by third party. Organizations are recruiting employees with low payment and without extra facilities like provident fund, gratuity, maternity, over –time payment, leave etc. Organizations are maximizing and stealing money by depriving employees, by not giving good salaries and by not paying different types of taxes. Even though different countries have different salary structures, organizations are reluctant to follow those rules.

Organizations are fulfilling their demands and work by outsourced or third party employees, but they do pay lower salaries to outsourced employees. Even sometimes outsourced employees are working more than permanent employees in multinational companies and local companies.

These types of corruptions are happening especially in Bangladesh because of some corrupted govt. and local officials. Corrupted govt. and local officials are attaining and depositing lots of money in their own pockets; however, they are cheating with the whole nations and whole country.

Mainly cell phone companies like Grammenphone, Banglalink , Robi, Qubee telecom companies like Huawei, Ericsson , and some banks like The City Bank are taking contractual and outsourced employees years after years. Organizations keep the same employees with same works without any promotion and increments, and they are evading ILO’s and Labor Laws just by renewing the contract after a particular period. Likewise, they are escaping tax.

When a company becomes corrupted, it is beneficial for the dishonest legal advisers, related corrupted officials. 

                                                           to be continued.......

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